Freedom and Constraint in Caribbean Migration and Diaspora


As a selection of contributions made at the June 2006 conference at the University of the West Indies, Mona, ‘Caribbean Migration: Forced and Free’, this volume represents the experience of the entire Caribbean region: Anglophone, Hispanophone, Francophone and Dutch.

By: Elizabeth Thomas Hope

Ian Randle Publishers Bools on Amazon Kindle

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The Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury in the United Kingdom on June 22, 1948, carrying the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the first post-war generation of Caribbean migrants who left their homeland in search of a better life. Freedom and Constraint in Caribbean Migration and Diaspora explores the contemporary nature of migration, the socio-economic, political and cultural impact of such movements, while highlighting the varying discourses that arise. Race, transnationalism and the emerging concept of ‘Diaspora’ are all examined providing insight for the academic, decision-maker, student and all those interested in migration studies. 

As a selection of contributions made at the June 2006 conference at the University of the West Indies, Mona, ‘Caribbean Migration: Forced and Free’, this volume represents the experience of the entire Caribbean region: Anglophone, Hispanophone, Francophone and Dutch. With authors from across the Caribbean and beyond, it offers some contrasting perspectives on current issues related to movement, return and resettlement.
